We invite you to live a wonderful experience getting into the Andes range. Journey takes 4 days,it begins 1500 meters above sea level and endsat 3600 in the wonderful Lagunas del Toro. The biggest from the three lagoons is more than 2 hectares wide and depending on the season you will be able to see ducks, wild geese,and Andean gulls, as well as their offspring. In rainy years two more small lagoons build up, creating apriceless ecosystem for migratory birds and other species.
Access is through San Francisco gorge (1500 to 2000 above sea level) and then through Las Hualtatas gorge (2000 to 3600 meters above sea level). The main characteristic from the whole area is its pristine and untouched condition in which sclerophyll forest ecosystems in the lower areas and high Andean vegetation in the higher one develop without human intervention.
That is why groups are reduced in terms of stay and amount in order to reduce impact in life which grows and prosper in there. A new philosophy joins to leave no trace principles, included in this journey which enters into beautiful landscapes. Ascent is gradual which avoids the lack of acclimatization and altitude sickness.
Visit includes archeological sites, cascades and rivers, ascent to the highest summits 4000 meters above sea level, starry nights, moments of high effort and some other resting periods, silence, privacy, wild fauna watching such as condors, guanacos, vizcachas, lizards, foxes, among others.
During the journey we will travel together with mule drivers and their animals which will carry our luggage and camping elements to make this adventure more accessible.
Camping areas are: Boca del Toro (2.000 masl), Las Pircas (2.800 masl), Las Llaretas (3.200 masl)